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This project is a completely self-produced & self-funded by Takashi and Noria Arai . We need funding and humanpower to dig deeper into the issue and to deliver with detailed but simple footage and infographics.
Let the families never be torn apart again, even if the pandemic comes back in the future…
Please lend your hands to complete the full-length film and to continue our activism!

COVIDiaspora: Japan’s Travel Ban and the Families Torn Apart
『水際まさりて── 「令和鎖国」 で引き裂かれた家族たち』

A documentary on Japan’s inhumane travel restrictions コロナ下、十数万の国際家族、カップル、留学生、労働者を傷つけた日本の入国制限─その核心に迫る

Takashi Arai is a renowned Japanese artist and filmmaker, internationally recognized with the series of daguerreotypes depicting Fukushima after the East Japan Great Earthquake in 2011.


In November 2021, he suddenly faced difficulties when his wife, Noria, was rejected to enter Japan because of the strengthened border measures responding to the Omicron variant. Being shocked by Japan’s inhumane travel ban, Takashi launched an online petition with fellow activists and thousands of international families torn apart by the strict border measures. He decided to make a documentary film that includes extended interviews with those severely affected by the travel ban to raise public awareness.
Our goal is to create the momentum for the activism to make the Japanese government establish a new guideline not to discriminate against international families, same-sex and unmarried couples, students, workers, or refugees, even during the pandemic.

2021年12月、新井は、日本の水際対策強化によって妻のノリアの入国が拒否されたことに衝撃を受け、同じ境遇に置かれた人々とオンライン署名活動( )を立ち上げました。実態調査にも寄せられた当事者たちの悲痛な思いを、この問題を知らない多くの人々に伝えるため、新井はドキュメンタリー映画の自主制作を開始。

今もつづく日本の入国制限により、多くの国際家族とカップルたちが離散状態を強いられています。岸田政権の掲げる「G7でも最も厳しい」入国制限は日本の経済、文化、教育に大きな影を落とし、国際家族やカップルのみならず外国籍の同性婚・事実婚パートナー、留学生、労働者、日系人、移民や難民たちの人生を一変させました。いま日本の「水際」で何が起きているのか? 水際対策とはそもそも何だったのか? 多様な当事者たちの証言を通して、いま、ふたたび考えます──わたしたちにとって〈国家〉とは? 家族とは?

(Since December 2021, Noria and Takashi have been working nonstop on activism to help international families and couples enter Japan. Please visit our online petition site for further details!